Hi, I’m a mom, and more importantly, I am a long-time gamer. I started playing video games when I was about 12, when playing video games meant going to an arcade and paying quarters to play games. I loved all kinds of games: Pac Man, Galaga, Space Invaders, Centipede, and more. I loved that I was one of the few girls who really loved playing these games, and while I was never super great, I was good enough to often beat my male peers. My dad got me a Pong game from Sears and then an Intellivision console (also from Sears). We played things like Pitfall and some kind of mine ship game. I took a programming class in middle school, about the same time as I started playing video games at the arcade. I did write a few basic programs, but nothing spectacular. I played games that loaded from a cassette, things like Zork and other text-based adventure games. I also played Lemonade Stand on an Apple.

Computers really became a thing when I went off to college. While I used my computer for work, of course, I always had games on it. I got most attached to Rogue (the original) and later to games like King’s Quest and Robin Hood and Leisure Suit Larry. My husband and I also used to play each other in Doom, before our kids were born. For a short period of time, I played in an all-female Quake league, where it was incredibly fun to frag teenage boys who thought they were better than everyone. Eventually, I discovered Heroes III, a fun turn-based adventure game and Civilization. I played and modded The Sims and played both Sims 2 and 3 and now 4. My kids introduced me to Minecraft and we all play together from time to time. I mostly like open ended games that allow me to be creative. I don’t much like games where I’m required to kill everything in sight. I know Minecraft has some of that, but that’s not the main point of the game.

So nowadays, I play The Sims, primarily, where I craft semi elaborate stories. And I play Minecraft–both by myself and sometimes with family. I explore other games from time to time. I have streamed a little on Twitch (and may take that up again sometime), but for now, this site is my gaming outlet. Enjoy!